Stage 04: Sumatra

Tarutong to Padang Sidempuan
Date: 22-08-2014 Time: 05:19h Temp: 15/32 °C
Distance: 108 km Σ km: 437 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 1495 m Σ Up: 5845  m Calories: 2487 kcal
Down: 2033 m Σ Down: 5495 m Σ kcal: 11982 kcal
Conditions: Another day with a huge climb and a long rewarding descent. The climb felt harder than yesterday.

The rewards seem to continue. It was a ‘short’ riding day. I arrived at the hotel at about 1 pm, and almost missed it as I was cruising through town. It is one of the days you don’t want to stop riding, because you think you gonna miss something Winking smile

