Tag Archives: photos

2016-09-06 Photos

Photos of Stage 17

Kalianda to Carita – Sumatra to Java

2014-09-05 Photos

Photos of Stage 16

Gisting to Kalianda – Sumatra

Directors in Joy

Andreas and Cristiano, our tour directors, are happily awaiting the brave & strong riders at todays Hotel. Both knowing, what they had scouted out for us. We were not too many who actually decided to ride this hard stage today. Chris, Brett, Shirley, Daniel, Paul and me made it to the finish line. Annegrete jumped the van on the last climb, just 5 km from the camp site. Not even a sweep was on the track in the afternoon … Brett even extended the final short downhill from the last summit and went passed the turn to the hotel. He had to climb back an extra 4 km to get back to us.

Well Done – All riders are safe and sound at the 21!

2014-09-04 Photos

Photos of Stage 15

Krui to Gisting – Sumatra

2014-09-03 Photos

Photos of Stage 14

Bintuhan to Krui – Sumatra


I stopped at a big ceremony along the village road. I think the whole village was around and celebrating a wedding. Before I could really10-DSC_1702 recognize what it actually was, I was surrounded by kids, men & women. Old and young wanted to take a photo with me. I guess, meanwhile I am one of the most ‘recorded’ foreigner in this country.  However, I always get a chance to take my photos, too. It is still no 12-DSC_1706problem, to just hand out my big Nikon DLR to a local, quickly explain how to operate, and there you are. No fear that my camera or anything will disappear. Imagine this in some parts of Africa or Europe … no chance to ‘dive’ into a crowd like this, without being pick-pocket.

After the photo shootings I was asked into the tent and on stage to greet the young couple. They really looked young, probably much younger as they are. Andreas, today’s sweep, 13-DSC_1708has already arrived and happily joined the party. We were treated with cake and drinks and many warm welcomes. We couldn’t leave without being brought back on stage and dance to the excitement of the other guests.

The Heat takes its Toll

A short stage, today. J28-DSC_1755ust 60 km, almost flat, to lunch with only 15 more kilometers to the next camp in Bintuhan. Some even decided to extend the breakfast in Manna for longer, as time was no concern today.  After lunch obviously the lonesome beach, monotone sound of the breaking waves, the heat and the food took its toll and almost everyone fell asleep right on spot, at arbitrary and partially uncomfortable places. The next days will be much harder and longer, thus a random nap in the afternoon is not a bad idea.


2014-09-02 Photos

Photos of Stage 13

Manna to Bintuhan – Sumatra

2014-09-01 Photos

Photos of Stage 12

Bengkulu to Manna – Sumatra

OMG in Manna

Today I was stopped by two girls who followed me on their motor scooter for quite a while. When they passed me the first time, they gave me a bright smile and a ‘Hello Mister’ and headed away, to soon slow down and let me pass again. I could hear them giggle. Next thing I noticed them approaching me again from the back, staying behind for a while, before they passed and slowed down again. This repeated several times, until they finally stopped behind the next corner and waited for me, waving me to stop, too, which I did.

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Then I heard ‘Oh my God’, ‘Oh my God’ and ‘Photo’. Several OMGs later, the smiling faces were ‘iPhoned’ for a happy girl and a happier ‘Alter Sack’.

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Oh my God!