Melbourne to Sydney - December 7 to December 19
Photos of this section will appear here:

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The final section of our two-wheeled odyssey takes us across the much varied terrain of Oz’s south-east corner. After cycling through Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park, we leave the Tasman Sea behind, and climb over the Australian Alps on secondary roads, into the planned city of Canberra, the national capital and political heart. The excitement builds as we enter New South Wales and near our ultimate destination, world class and diverse Sydney. No doubt we’ll celebrate long and hard, in true Aussie style, as we spin up it’s magnificent natural harbor and clamber off our bikes for the last time at the iconic Opera House. It’s gonna be tough to bid farewell to our cycling comrades, but hopefully, before heading home, we’ll all spend a little more time together, over some Fosters at Bondi Beach, relishing the many adventures since we departed Medan several moons ago.