Can you smell the sea?

Indian Ocean, here I am.


Can you smell the sea?

Indian Ocean, here I am.


Indian Ocean bound

Copying todays directions to the next destination: Padang. 122 km, a 1000 m drop to sea level.


Final minutes of comfort before getting back on the hard seats.


“High Hill” is the meaning of the city name, located on the peak of the easy to defend ‘Jirek Heights’, 930m above sea level, our location for the second rest day. With its cool climate it is the most comfortable city West Sumatra’s; with the usual 3 pm afternoon shower.


DSC_1194Henry and Nellie ‘designing’ the highlights for the forthcoming stages

DSC_1199Museum in the Bukittinggi Zoo, with the

DSC_1208Emperor’s Wedding Throne


DSC_1215DSC_1198If you ever wanted to know, how your text messages are delivered Open-mouthed smile

A Monster of a Ride

This was the longest riding day of the tour (distance wise; 178 km), and the longest accumulated climb so far (2408 m), I’ve never done such a long distance on my MTB with that much of a climb! TdA, you make me break all my records. However, one never knows what Cristiano & Co. have been setup ahead of us.

We got it all in one day – a perfect Sunday workout! Morning mist, sunshine and heavy rain; steep uphills and fast downhills; spectacular views and scenic landscapes; white water rivers from the nightly rains.  I left my DLR in my daily bag today, to be able to carry extra water and knowing it will eventually be raining and there is little time to stop for extra photos. Thus my GoPro & Smarphone must do it.


The morning climb out of camp was fast and kind of easy going, until the sun was starting to heat up the air. Midday temperatures were at a boiling 37°C until the first equator shower cooled us down a bit. The roads were deserted in the morning, everyone seem to be sleeping or at church on a Sunday. Later the roads got busier.

Equator Crossing–123 km into the day

The last 45 km and 800 m of climbs in the pouring rain I ‘supported’ Eric, who had a bad crash over his handlebar the day before and was cycling with pain from his bruised rips and chest.


G1405451The roads and clothes dried up quickly as we entered Bukit Tinggi

G1005206And we did it! Made it to the top and Bukit Tinggi, with an extra loop around the hotel, as we missed the last right turn.


Morning Drill

It is fun to watch the kids going to school. The little ones with their huge school bags almost as big as themselves. Before school starts there is always a kind of exercise session or drill on the school compound. Needless to say that I had to stop and watch this ceremony when I passed by the school on Saturday morning.

The kids had a hard time to focus on their performance and stay synchronous while keeping an eye on my doings. Some were really into it with great enthusiasm, some seemed to be very bored with the exercises, one scholar was  lazing in the sparsely equipped classroom as pictured below …

So cute these youngsters in their school uniforms


2014-08-25 Photos

Photos of  the Rest Day in

Bukittinggi – Sumatra

Sumatra Welcomes the Rider from Germany

Throughout the country villages are decorated with alleys of German banners.


  • Is this another ‘Cristiano/TdA Special’ for one of his/their alumnae? Thumbs up
  • Was the town expecting my passage and giving me a warm welcome?
  • Is this still post-Soccer World Cup decoration? The Indonesians seem to be very aware of the German victory in this year’s WC final. I am often asked, from where I am, and immediately given half a dozen German soccer player names, when I tell them I am German.

Which ever is the case, I enjoy the ‘special’ treat.

Terima Kasih (thank you).


Pole Climbing

Shortly after the Equator passage I passed a 20140824_115041little village with a big assembly on a public ground. Although the ride was already consuming a lot of energy, and the final climb to Bukit Tinggi was still to come, I couldn’t resist to drop my bicycle and step into the crowd to watch the spectacle. ‘Rachma’ with her little one ‘Colby’, explained to me that they are celebrating a Christian holiday and at the end of festival they do the pole climbing. Aim of the participating teams is to reach to the top first and pick the attached gifts for their team.

It was great fun to watch them building / failing to build  the pyramids – it didn’t look very organized or efficient – but everyone 20140824_120222seemed to enjoy it. After a while the focus deviated from the climbers onto me and I eventually became the main attraction again – as so many times in the past, when I stopped to take photos or interact with the locals. Obviously this area is rarely visited by tourists.

climbing poles / Sumatra




Stage 06: Sumatra

Kota Nopan to  Bukit Tinggi
Date: 24-08-2014 Time: 08:48h Temp: 17/37 °C
Distance: 178 km Σ km: 547 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 2408 m Σ Up: 9196 m Calories: 3792 kcal
Down: 1703 m Σ Down: 8039 m Σ kcal: 18346 kcal
Conditions: A long and demanding ride. The distance was actually a bid shorter than given the night before, however not with a ‘penalty’: 530 extra meters to climb.

The moderate early morning temperature constantly increased to their max. at 37°C, until the heavy afternoon rain set in. This time there was no buffer to seek shelter without risking to ride into darkness. At kilometer 123 we crossed the Equator into the southern hemisphere. Now things will change:

  • headwind becomes tailwind
  • climbs become descents
  • dirt becomes tar
  • water supply becomes beer
  • Muslim prayers become lullabies

and therefore we all can sleep 2 hours longer than usual Smile
