Category Archives: Sumatra Sutra

First section from Medan to Carita


Photos of  Stage 8

Padang (Bungus Beach) to Pesisir Selatan – Sumatra

Sunset at ‘Francs’

We are back at the beach, very very basic. On our way to dinner, a 1 km walk from where we stay. Currently riding through rural areas. I might not be able to post a lot … but occasionally.


Back in paradise

45 km into the day. Many photo stops. Back at a beach. It is like living a dream.



We were told that tonight’s camp is very very basic. Thus no need to be there soon

Leaving from Carlos

Breakfast at the sea. Nice fruit salad, pancakes with banana, honey and chocolate souce. Unless as on other mornings nobody seems to be on a rush …


No for a short turn away from the coast an a return later in the afternoon.

caught red-tat

Who said there are no thieves on Sumatra? So far I felt very safe to drop my bicycle anywhere and anytime to take photos, 20140826_125817without fear to miss something by the time I return. However this seems to have changed now. Arriving at the sea the rules are different: “Watch your belongings, when there are ‘pirates’ around!”

This little gangster tries to steal one of my water bottles from the bike. He was pulling hard, but couldn’t figure out how to outsmart the bottle holder system.

In love

Now I know what Henry and Nellie were working out yesterday during the rest day (at Bukittinggi) – The Wedding Planners?

I stopped at a gas station to take a photo of the long lineup before the pump. It reminded me of former Eastern-German DSC_1242queues for rare goods … But this was obviously only a setup and I was immediately persuaded by two youngsters to go  DSC_1243into the Hotel opposite of the gas station, for a nice reception with local beauties, music and dance. It is really hard to not fall in love with this lovely country and its nice and beautiful people.




Stage 07: Sumatra

Bukittinggi to  Padang
Date: 26-08-2014 Time: 05:01h Temp: 15/38 °C
Distance: 119 km Σ km: 844 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 686 m Σ Up: 9650 m Calories: 2271 kcal
Down: 1788 m Σ Down: 9874 m Σ kcal: 20617 kcal
Conditions: A short riding day, awarded with an arrival at the Indian Ocean.

A hot, but enjoyable day. A huge drop from 1150 m to sea level made the ride fast and scenic. At the end, the streets get very busy and air turns bad from smoke and exhausts. The bypass wasn’t probably really faster or less frequented than the main road.




Photos of Stage 7

Bukittinggi to Padang (Bungus Beach) – Sumatra

Can you smell the sea?

Indian Ocean, here I am.


Can you smell the sea?

Indian Ocean, here I am.
