Category Archives: Sumatra Sutra

First section from Medan to Carita

VIP Escorted

Today I received a special VIP service, that I’ll never forget and every western police should take as a positive role model.

I entered a town and was looking for the next turn to takDSC_1458e on my direction write-ups, when a police officer on his motor scooter pulled over. He introduced himself as Riki. We had a short chat about where I come from, what I am doing, … He recognized my German jersey, and when I confirmed that I am from Germany, he asked me if I am friend of ‘Thomas Müller’ which I did not deny. Soccer, Germany, World Cup opens doors! He asked me for my name, and when I said Joachim Löffel, his face was in a big smile: ‘You are Joachim Loew?’ – Yes, I am Joachim Löffel, I replied. And he again Joachim Loew? I showed him my website on my Smartphone with the Title ‘Joachim Loeffel – Trans-Oceania 2014’ and he again stopped reading Joachim Loef. Now the story developed.

polisi-01I briefly explained to him, what I am about to do next, when he asked me ‘You help me?’  I was a bit puzzled that he wanted my help, and first thought he wanted some ‘toll’, when I recognized that he wanted to offer me his help. So I gladly accepted, what then ended in a polisi-03police escort – with signal horn and flash light – thru town with a final reception at his brother’s shop for a Coke and loads of fun. Now I am facebook friend  with a Sumatra police officer and I probably made his day, as he can tell his colleagues that he escorted Joachim Loew. (The German head coach of the National Soccer team which won the World Cup 2014 in Brazil)

Being escorted by police in Sumatra


Swapping bikes

Just around the corner was a police check point and the friendly encounter with Sumatra police officers continued. Smiles where big, when they discovered Riki’s telephone number on my notepad.

Stage 09: Sumatra

Francs Hotel to  Mukomuko
Date: 28-08-2014 Time: 06:00 h Temp: 21/41 °C
Distance: 142 km Σ km: 962 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 859 m Σ Up: 11350 m Calories: 2716 kcal
Down: 855 m Σ Down: 11589 m Σ kcal: 25208 kcal
Conditions: Another hot and long day on the road. In the morning we made a short detour thru urban villages away from the main road. Then back to main road away from the coast. The day was very hot and water consumption high.

Again I spent a lot of my time with stops next to the road. The people are so inviting that I can’t just greet an continue. A motor cycle group passed me and greeted me as if I was also riding a Harley and wearing a leather jacket. A later met them again at a stop and a had a nice session with them. The highlight of the day was young Lisa at a shop 25 km away from camp. She was very good in English and a nice conversation developed. I’ll will post photos in another blog.



Stage 08: Sumatra

Padang to  Francs Hotel
Date: 27-08-2014 Time: 05:30 h Temp: 15/38 °C
Distance: 119 km Σ km: 962 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 841 m Σ Up: 10491 m Calories: 1875 kcal
Down: 860 m Σ Down: 10734 m Σ kcal: 22492 kcal
Conditions: Make a short riding day, a long one!
Hot, quiet and remarkable good. Many stops and exceptional contacts

This was elapsed time wise one of the longer rides today. First of all, we were told that the next place to sleep at is very, very, very basic. Thus I decided to not arrive prior to sunset, to not see the rooms at daylight. And second, simply because I enjoyed it so much that I had to stop more often then on other days. I have several highlights to report on in separate posts. Keep your tension and be patient.




Photos of Stage 9

Pesisir Selatan to  Mukomuko – Sumatra

Will I make it to Mukomuko?

Making more friends.


Lisa taking a selfie with me …

Lunch with boild potatoes

No Mangoes today, however hot potatoes and peanut butter.


Vanilla Ice and whipped cream with fresh strawberries was not on stock anymore.


Lunch with boild potatoes

No Mangoes today, however hot potatoes and peanut butter.


Vanilla Ice and whipped cream with fresh strawberries was not on stock anymore.

Sunrise at ‘Francs’

What a beautiful morning


Breakfast @ Seroja

Getting energy for the ride.


The longest night

Got to bed at 9pm last night. No internet, no TV,  no party. Bound for 8 hours sleep in a row.  Succeeded! Thanks to Mickey and his fellows.


Now read for another hot ride
