Sarangan and Mt. Lawu greet us in the morning sun. I had a long night sleep, rolled into a cosy blanket. Today another 1700m of climbing are waiting to be tackled on the 2nd half of the 125km to our next destination.
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Stage 29: Java
Solo to Sarangan | |||||
Date: | 22-09-2014 | Time: |
04:47 h |
Σ Time: | 151:24 h |
Distance: | 62 km | Σ km: | 2983 km | Temp: | 18/37 °C |
Up: | 1872 m | Σ Up: | 34935 m | Calories: | 2681 kcal |
Down: | 715 m | Σ Down: | 33051 m | Σ kcal: | 70874 kcal |
Conditions: | This was the announced ‘all day climb’, except for the last 8km down to the hotel at the lake. Cooler morning temps, busy roads in Solo. |
The announced ‘short’ but with an ‘all day climb’ to 1870 m over the shoulder of Mt. Lawu (3265m) should prove, if I slowly can get back to my former fitness level. I was taking the first 30 km through busy Solo and thereafter less busy and more scenic roads through rice fields and little villages very easy. At 9 am the first part was done, 50% of the distance, but only 10% of the elevation gain. Now the tough part should start. From the issued profile it could be seen, that the next 10 km will gain only about 400m, leaving the major part of the climb – the remaining 1200m to the following 12 km. This translates into a 4% average grade for 10 km and a 10% average grade for the final 12 km to the summit – ouch! The road continued in an almost straight line into the slope of Mt. Lawu; no switchbacks that were built-in to reduce the grade. The smallest gear was used for most of the time. Legs were fine, heart rate at low average, all fine. I had to wear my mask for most of the day, as there was the usual noisy and stinky traffic. Some Coke and photo stops added to my elapsed time, but I felt strong enough to make it to the end. Henry and Gerald soon closed up to me and we were cycling long time close together and into lunch at 41 km. Great catering again! Boiled potatoes for more carbs, fresh fruits and nuts. It doesn’t take much to make us cyclists happy (at least some of us). However we were only about 50% through the climb. Still 800m vertical elevation gain on the final 8 km before the summit and the fast downhill thereafter. Continuing the climb with an average speed of 7 km/h the end was not too far away. However the little ‘smiley’ that Garmin draws on the profile page, seemed to not move at all. More photos of the scenery, with fields of various kinds built into the steep slopes, and luxury houses in the holiday resorts. Unfortunately no time (energy) to detour to the 2 Hindu Temples with the erotic pictures and sculptures. Finally the summit was reached, no turning back into the hazy view from where we came. Downhill was quick, short stop at a strawberry field and the merchant shops. More photos from the view into the target valley and the village at the lake. My breaks were on fire by the time I finished the 700 m drop and turned into the hotel grounds.
I was so looking forward to get a hot shower – the air is much cooler up here in 1280m – but to no avail. Long pants and long sleeved sweater will keep me warm, as I lost most of my natural body insulation, thus hi-tech fabrics come into play. At least my body seem to quickly recover and get back to power to tackle the following tough days until we reach Bromo, again high on a volcano.
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Riding the Wave
I am out for the day to do some serious volcano climbing. Luckily we have ‘only’ one climb today, just a small ‘little’ obstacle in our way. Here is what today’s profile looks like …
Hope my body could stock up with some energy over night for a day like this. See you later my friends. Safe me a beer!
Tweet ##transoceaniaOver the Edge
I passed one of the many bridges in Java and thought to myself ‘Worth a stop or similar to the others?’ I already had stopped earlier on another bridge, where people were busy building a dam in the river, thus I decided to continue, leave the camera in the bag and use the momentum to start into the climb thereafter. However, on the other end of the bridge I recognized some students on the railing and sitting at the banks of the river. From the edge of my eye I could see, it were all girls and they seem to be doing some training. So I decided to use my breaks and turn around to have a closer look. An I was not disappointed. Already one girl was fixed to a rope and on
her way over the edge of the bridge. The ‘joy’ was great when the saw me. And soon photos were taken from both sides. All of a sudden the group sitting on the banks under the bridge got loader. They seem to shout something to their instructors. I should soon learn what they demanded: ‘He must do it, too’! And so I was asked, if I want to try it. What chance do I have other than to say ‘Yes’? Although I was already a bit exhausted, late and not fully free of ‘drugs’ I agreed and soon I found myself in an harness and dangling in the rope. A talented young girl took my camera and made the nice shoots shown below in the gallery. A great experience and a lot of fun for all of us. The unforeseen adventure did not end before I was recorded on many of the student’s smartphones. And so I continued my ride my first ‘Abseiling’ tour, after I Bungee-jumped the Victoria Falls Bridge in Zambia.
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Stage 28: Java
Yogyakarta to Solo | |||||
Date: | 21-09-2014 | Time: |
05:54 h |
Σ Time: | 146:36 h |
Distance: | 112 km | Σ km: | 2921 km | Temp: | 25/39 °C |
Up: | 1279 m | Σ Up: | 33063 m | Calories: | 3286 kcal |
Down: | 1240 m | Σ Down: | 32336 m | Σ kcal: | 64907 kcal |
Conditions: | Roads exceptionally good. A view road works with loos gravel or potholes. A steep climb n the morning (up to 20%) and several smaller thereafter. However the afternoon after lunch easy on the plain with favorable wind. |
The reincarnation of a cyclist, after a 6 days knock-out.
I knew, it wouldn’t be easy for me after my energy taking sickness. Riding most of the day with my mask, made breathing not a pleasure, especially when temperatures raise into the upper 30th °C. However I badly wanted to be back on my bike and ride. The van is no option; and my fellow cyclists and staff wanted to see me back cycling, too. So I started with Eric as the last out from Yogya. A quick 12 km through town, then we separated and I sent Eric ahead on his faster mission. At 13 km the steep ascent to 400m started. I was remarkably strong and already passed the first riders walking their bikes, and had left much earlier. There were many local cyclist on the road, too. This must be a popular cycling track. I could feel, that I was strong, but far from the strength I had before. I therefore took it slow, stopped a few times for photos. I even added an extra activity stop (more in the ‘Over the Edge’ post) which delayed me for another 30 minutes or more, but was worth it. The emptiness in my stomach increased and power level decreased in the starting midday heat. Lunch was a few kilometers before the last short & steep climb of the day. I let it last very long, until today’s ‘sweeper’ arrived, but ate with more appetite and rested before I left for the 2nd part. The final climb was consuming my last power level, but the immediate downhill helped me recharge a bit. The final flat 40 km were simply a matter of not giving up. Should I save energy for the next day or shall I go and ride the whole day? Favorable wind and my will to complete the day, carried me into the Iris Hotel in Solo, where I had a hot shower and a nice intermediate meal to bridge the time to dinner and compensate for not eating (much) for the last 5 days. Hope I get the carbs loaded quick!
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Finally Mickey is reunited with his all time girl friend Mini.
It is my first cycling day after my sick days. AlfaMart seem to celebrate Mickeys recovery and all shop assistants wear the mouse ears to greet me when I stop and shop for a Coke.
Tweet ##transoceaniaYogyakarta
Besides the usual things needed to be done during our rest days, the 2 days in Yogyakarta were actually meant to allow to visit and explore the famous temple sites of Borobudur and Prambanan. However I had to skip this program, as my first priority was to get my health situation under control and myself back in shape to be able to ride my bicycle on the next stages. Therefore I canceled the sightseeing program in favor to more rest and to gain new energy.
A short rickshaw ride together with Eric into the busy center of Yogya was the only escape from my nice ‘Rehab’ Hotel for the past 4 days. Back into the city smog and noise!
Although I lost some kg during my ‘Gastro’ phase, our driver had a hard(er) time to spin the wheels with me and my partner Eric, as Eric obviously overcompensated for my weight loss
– he is a real good eater
You would be amazed about the number of good sorted bicycle shops you can find in town. In one I found my dream bike; good for the rough conditions we face here. However I was in shock when I was told by the merchant, that I did no longer qualify to own such a vehicle as the name already suggests it is only for a very exclusive client group …
Especially for Me
They knew I was coming and prepared a special Bintang Radler Edition *)
*) Radler (German) = Cyclist
Radler (beverage) = Beer Shanty
Reception at Duta Garden
The Duta Garden Hotel management put a nice Welcome Banner on the street portal to the entrance of the hotel areal to greet the riders on arrival after finishing more than 3000 km from Medan to Yogyakarta. Unfortunately the riders track lead them to arrive via a different route (coming from the right hand side where you see the motorcyclist) and they cannot see it.
Chris was the first to arrive and he was gladly welcomed by Mr. Cristiano
Runners up were Eric, Brett and Paul – who again missed a turn and did some extra sightseeing of Yogya before they accepted our welcomes.
Breakfast in Garden Eden
A healthy start into the 3rd day after my ‘breakdown’ with a healthy breakfast in ‘Garden Eden’ and a first sign of appetite. After 3 days without eating my stomach is as empty as my wallet after paying the hospital, taxi and doctor’s bills and it cries for food.
Last night was an almost perfect night of sleep. Only a few short wakeups, no severe coughing, stomach still rumbling, but no liquid poop, no need for midnight laundry of pants and sheets!
Getting a faint sign of color back into my face and the beloved ‘I am all fine smile’. Soon to meet the troop again who is supposed to arrive later this afternoon. I bet they will envy me for having had 2 extra days here instead of more climbs, dust and gravel.
I already met Gerald again, whom I knew from a TdA rider unification meeting in Cape Town last year. He is joining the tour here for the final 3 months of our adventurous cycling expedition.