2 days to go. Got my final hair cut and a farewell with friends. The hair looks much longer as it really feels and the greyish color must be a defect in the camera sensor
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2 days to go. Got my final hair cut and a farewell with friends. The hair looks much longer as it really feels and the greyish color must be a defect in the camera sensor
Tweet ##transoceaniaJust 3 more days in good old Germany before I am leaving for my next adventure. Office is locked, bike is cleaned and boxed, the piles of clothes and things on the living room floor disappeared into the duffel bag … Wednesday and airport taxi can come … oops, there is still a lot of cleanup to do, I guess I need the extra days to clear away the mess that built up around me. Helping hands welcome #TO2014
Only 10 days before I am leaving for Medan/Sumatra, the start location of the tour … and just 15 days before we ride into the first stage, a short 57 km to Berastagi. But believe me, Cristiano wouldn’t cut it that short, if he didn’t put a big obstacle in our way – the first volcano, a stormy river, heavy wind and rain, or a nice beer garden with free bottomless beer for all of us?!
Another 11000km ahead of us. The burning tar in the Australian outback and some rough volcano slopes on the Indonesian islands will play hard on us again. But we are well prepared and we will stay strong.
My CUBE AMS Pro 110 that will carry me and my daily load during the next 4 month and hopefully beyond.
Tweet ##transoceaniaOnly about 14 days left until I leave for Medan on Sumatra to begin my next long distance cycling adventure: The Trans-Oceania Ride 2014.
Tweet ##transoceaniaAfter 6 years of less extended cycling away from home, I felt a bit of itching in my legs again, and asked myself ‘What could I do to get some relief?‘ My big Tour d’Afrique cycling trip from Cairo to Cape Town in 2008 and the Doomsday Ride two years ago in Central America called for another sister to add to the list of long distance cycling tours. When I heard about a trip in south-east Asia and Australia I was immediate in flame with the thought that this should be the next challenge. And now it realizes. On August 18th I am back into a big adventure, aiming to cycle about 11000 km in 4 months through southern Indonesia, East Timor and Australia. Me and 13 other ‘crazy’ cyclists from different countries are on the roads to cycle the Trans-Oceania Tour. On 93 cycling days the route leads us from Medan, in the northern part of Sumatra, through 8 Indonesian islands and the Australian Outback, and Great Ocean Road to the destination city of Sydney.
Maybe the ferry crossings between the islands will give me a little rest, unless I am recruited to drive the ship’s propeller with my bicycle . On December 19th I will arrive at the Sydney Opera and start into a well deserved Christmas holiday ‘down under‘, before I return to Germany and office in early January 2015. Until then I am looking forward to a lot of fun and exciting riding days and finally meet with my Sydney colleagues at the end of the tour and enjoy some ice cool drinks and ‘white Xmas’.
We will start with a 10 week island hopping extravaganza across Indonesia on its main islands in the south and its “sultry kaleidoscope” of cultures and contrasts. From the jungles of Sumatra to the artistic traditions of Yogyakarta on Java, from heavenly Bali to the empty beaches of Flores the route includes several inter-island ferry rides, enabling us to immerse ourselves in the intoxicating local foods and customs and sights en route. After a short stay in East Timor we will fly from Dili to Darwin in the Australian north to continue to pedal across the Outback and along The Great Ocean Road, via Alice Springs and the magnificent Uluru (Ayers Rock), Adelaide (and its vineyards) and Melbourne, before finishing at the iconic Sydney Opera House a few days before Christmas.
The tour is broken down into 8 sections, where participants can join in our leave the tour, if not able to do it in full.
Section | Start | Finish | Start | Finish |
Sumatra Sutra | Medan | Carita | Aug 18 | Sep 7 |
Java Jive | Carita | Yogyakarta | Sep 9 | Sep 18 |
Volcanoes & Temples | Yogyakarta | Ubud | Sep 21 | Sep 29 |
Spice Island Hopping | Ubud | Dili | Oct 1 | Oct 19 |
Bike the Outback | Darwin | Alice Springs | Oct 23 | Nov 5 |
Opals, Missiles, and Vino | Alice Springs | Adelaide | Nov 9 | Nov 23 |
Great Ocean Road | Adelaide | Melbourne | Nov 25 | Dec 6 |
Wizards of Oz | Melbourne | Sydney | Dec 8 | Dec 19 |
*the quotations in the Trans-Oceania route descriptions are all credit Lonely Planet Guides
Tweet ##transoceaniaWelcome to my Trans-Oceania Tour Blog!
I am busy constructing this site, to be ready when the tour begins in August 2014.
Please come visit me later again.
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