Ready to board for the final 80min leg to Medan on Sumatra. Bike and bag is already loaded (as of transfer counter officer) … #to2014 here I’m coming.
Tweet ##transoceaniaCategory Archives: Pre-Tour
pre tour information
Victoria did not reveal her secrets. Let’s see if what I bought from her can make me faster on #to2014
@ Singapore Changi Airport
Tweet ##transoceaniaMeeting ‘Tom Hanks’
My connection flight to Medan was cancelled (I knew it before). Got a room at the Ambassador Transit Hotel (courtesy of Silk Air) and enjoying the Tom Hank’s style (Terminal) of hanging out at an airport . Final flight is at 7am tomorrow morning …
Approaching Airports
‘Escorted’ into rainy Frankfurt International
Singapore bound on the Strait of Malacca, passing Sumatra on the west hand side
Next stop Singapore. Let it rain again Approaching Singapore Changi Airport.
Singapore Congestion …
Tweet ##transoceaniaEagle has landed
My bird that brings me to Singapore has docked at the gate. What a beauty and named ‘Johannesburg’. A special treat for a TdA alumni, thanks whoever from the tour office in Toronto arranged for this! Now nothing can go wrong anymore.
Check the name!
Tweet ##transoceaniaCustomer care
It is pouring cats and dogs at Frankfort Airport and these items are laying there for more than an hour and still nobody around who cares. Hey FraPort! I hope my cardboard box with my bike is sheltered and not disintegrating in the rain.
Tweet ##transoceaniaChecked In
Bike and bag is checked in. Perfect Lufthansa service. Hanging out in Stuttgart until boarding the first leg to Frankfort is announced where I’ll start my first A380 flight later this evening … The Safari has begun ;). #to2014
Tweet ##transoceaniaLife is Boxed
My ‘life’ for the next 5 months is boxed.
Getting ready for the final night in Germany. Everything I need for the next 5 months is stored in the bag and bike-box. Well, not everything, the veggies and noodles are in the “tour chef’s” bag
. Please Lufthansa and Silk Air
, don’t loose, break or delay the 2 checked-in pieces.
See you both on Friday morning in Medan.
Online check-in done, boarding cards printed, taxi ordered for tomorrow morning, anything else left to do?
Tweet ##transoceaniaCycling Outback in Summer?
“Kein Australier bereist das Outback im australischen Sommer von November bis Februar – viel zu heiß. Dass es unter Europäern dennoch beliebt ist, in dieser Zeit zu reisen, liegt wohl daran, dass man nichts lieber tut, als dem nasskalten Sauwetter in Mitteleuropa zu entfliehen, um es endlich warm zu haben!”
“No Australian would travel the Outback in the Australian summer from November to December – far too hot. The reason why it is still popular for Europeans to travel just in this time is obviously that they have nothing better to do than to flee from the wet and cold Middle European weather in search for some warmth.”
Question: Is Canada a European outpost or why do Canadians organize a ride in exact this timeframe? Probably they share the same desire for a bit of warmth around Xmas.
Tweet ##transoceaniaHome away from home
My home away from home for the next few months. ‘Living room camping’ – I can do it!. No help needed to setup the tent for me and ‘Mrs. Wiggley II.’
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