Photos of Stage 10
Mukomuko to Seblat – Sumatra
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Today I received a special VIP service, that I’ll never forget and every western police should take as a positive role model.
I entered a town and was looking for the next turn to take on my direction write-ups, when a police officer on his motor scooter pulled over. He introduced himself as Riki. We had a short chat about where I come from, what I am doing, … He recognized my German jersey, and when I confirmed that I am from Germany, he asked me if I am friend of ‘Thomas Müller’ which I did not deny. Soccer, Germany, World Cup opens doors! He asked me for my name, and when I said Joachim Löffel, his face was in a big smile: ‘You are Joachim Loew?’ – Yes, I am Joachim Löffel, I replied. And he again Joachim Loew? I showed him my website on my Smartphone with the Title ‘Joachim Loeffel – Trans-Oceania 2014’ and he again stopped reading Joachim Loef. Now the story developed.
I briefly explained to him, what I am about to do next, when he asked me ‘You help me?’ I was a bit puzzled that he wanted my help, and first thought he wanted some ‘toll’, when I recognized that he wanted to offer me his help. So I gladly accepted, what then ended in a
police escort – with signal horn and flash light – thru town with a final reception at his brother’s shop for a Coke and loads of fun. Now I am facebook friend with a Sumatra police officer and I probably made his day, as he can tell his colleagues that he escorted Joachim Loew. (The German head coach of the National Soccer team which won the World Cup 2014 in Brazil)
Swapping bikes
Just around the corner was a police check point and the friendly encounter with Sumatra police officers continued. Smiles where big, when they discovered Riki’s telephone number on my notepad.
Tweet ##transoceaniaWe are back at the beach, very very basic. On our way to dinner, a 1 km walk from where we stay. Currently riding through rural areas. I might not be able to post a lot … but occasionally.
Tweet ##transoceania45 km into the day. Many photo stops. Back at a beach. It is like living a dream.
We were told that tonight’s camp is very very basic. Thus no need to be there soon
Tweet ##transoceaniaNow I know what Henry and Nellie were working out yesterday during the rest day (at Bukittinggi) – The Wedding Planners?
I stopped at a gas station to take a photo of the long lineup before the pump. It reminded me of former Eastern-German queues for rare goods … But this was obviously only a setup and I was immediately persuaded by two youngsters to go
into the Hotel opposite of the gas station, for a nice reception with local beauties, music and dance. It is really hard to not fall in love with this lovely country and its nice and beautiful people.
“High Hill” is the meaning of the city name, located on the peak of the easy to defend ‘Jirek Heights’, 930m above sea level, our location for the second rest day. With its cool climate it is the most comfortable city West Sumatra’s; with the usual 3 pm afternoon shower.
Henry and Nellie ‘designing’ the highlights for the forthcoming stages
Museum in the Bukittinggi Zoo, with the
If you ever wanted to know, how your text messages are delivered
It is fun to watch the kids going to school. The little ones with their huge school bags almost as big as themselves. Before school starts there is always a kind of exercise session or drill on the school compound. Needless to say that I had to stop and watch this ceremony when I passed by the school on Saturday morning.
The kids had a hard time to focus on their performance and stay synchronous while keeping an eye on my doings. Some were really into it with great enthusiasm, some seemed to be very bored with the exercises, one scholar was lazing in the sparsely equipped classroom as pictured below …