Category Archives: Misc

Honeymoon Spa

The Suly Resort * Yoga * Spa * U B U D  /  B A L I

We are placed in Paradise for our Rest Day in Ubud.

Suly-1With a blend of Balinese and a hint of modern architecture, surrounded by lush gardens in the tranquil village of Ubud, the rest day location provides us with an unforgettable atmosphere and relaxing experience.

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The Welcome Statues at the entrance immediately indicate that this is the perfect retreat for our ‘French Honeymoon’ couple, which immediately formed when Mr. G. joined the group in Java.

‘Diving’ Break

For my Scuba Diving friends.

All morning the dive tour busses were passing me from all directions. They always seem to be in a hurry to bring the divers from A to B. No relaxed driving on Bali’s touristic corners, minibuses have their own rules, and cyclists are no longer considered coequal road users …

I had to turn into the bumpy road to ride down to the beach and Werner Lau’s Dive Center in Matahari / Northwest Bali.



Unfortunately time was too short to take a dive or have a longer chat. Thus I quickly cooled my face and headed off again to follow the main track.


Leaving Java going Bali

Leaving the beautiful island Java for exotic Bali.


From the first glance it looks as if there are hills on Bali, too. :)


Prepare for more climbing!


Passing through the Bali Gate

Safe Passage

A little, slim & sun bathing fellow on the road side watches me passing by:

and the Javanese keeping a safer distance.


Farewell Java – Twin Peeks

We can’t leave Java without a farewell from one of the highest peeks in the east. Therefore we are up for another 2000m climb before we eventually decent to sea level again to meet the ferry to Bali the next morning.


In the distance you can see the faint silhouettes of the 2 peeks to take soon.


Erik passing by on his way up to ‘Twin Peeks’


Still quite some climb ahead says my Garmin Smiley ;)

Doomsday Style River Crossing

The provisional Bamboo bridge closed at Noon for 1 hour or someone told them to reject the German rider from crossing over it. So I had to recall 05-IMG_8719my Doomsday Ride / Central America skills and find an alternative. Piece of cake, it is just water. Shoes off and into it, shouldn’t be a problem. Half way through the water was running fast and deeper., pushing the bike into my legs and almost causing me to totally lose my stand. But I did not really stumble and fall, and made it halfway dry onto the other side.


Thanks to Bob for shooting the photos.

I’ll add a video here, taken with my GoPro, some time later.


First IndoMaret in whole Indonesia so far that had no cold Coke in the fridge. However it compensated with a real Magnum Almond and the sea not far away.





Coke Stop Purchase

A typical Coke Stop purchase to refill bottles and give me some well deserved treat.


Priceless but drained less than 2€ of my budget …

After the days in the mountains I couldn’t leave without the Alpenliebe

TdA High Speed Internet

After some complaints about the not always satisfactory internet connectivity and speed at our camps, the TdA directors have decided in an emergency board meeting in Bromo, to permanently expanded the tour staff team. Two additional IT & network specialists are now being with us on the tour, always being sent ahead to the next campsite to install a dedicated highspeed internet connection for use only by the tour cyclists. Excessive internet users, like our E.B., A.W. and B.T. have voluntarily donated an essential amount of rupias to cover for the additional expenses …
I hope the technicians are not being immediately expelled again, for breaking the tour rules and not wearing any security features.

Gunung Bromo

Breathtaking ascent to Gunung Bromo. Who wouldn’t be willing to get on the bike to cycle up this magnificent valley? So glad the tour does not spare this part to save us from more climbing.
