All posts by Joachim

Almost at the Ecuator

96km into the day. About to cross the equator soon. 3rd crossing after Africa and South America.


Brury and me

2014-08-24 Photos

Photos of  Stage 6

Kota Nopan to Bukittinggi – Sumatra

A long day ahead

Last minute briefings before we get back on the road. 183km ahead, 1880m of climbs. Hope the sun is not faster than me and I make it to camp before the 3rd call for prayers of the day …


Stirling, Annegret and Andreas

This room sleeps 4!

Very basic but spacious room for 2 humans and their bicycles.


My Mrs. Wriggley II and her temporary new partner in safe haven.

A fabulous ride

A BIG THANKS to the TdA scouts, who found this route!

Todays short distance ride was perfect to enjoy the sceneries, people and sunny weather. No rush, no hectic. Simple cruise thru the day and  inhale the beauty of the country and people. Although I am one of the strongest in the field, I was immediately caught by Chelsea, todays sweep, meaning I was the slowest on the track. However not because I was suffering from exhaustion, but because the landscape and citizens were so beautiful, and let me stop at every remarkable place. It was ‘picture time’, and a day to really start using the GoPro camera (videos will be prepared at my rest day on Monday). 

It was early morning and the kids were on their way to school. The scholars went crazy whenever I stopped and the teachers had a hard time to keep them under control.

DSC_1070These kids didn’t want to turn back to go to their school and posed for me, until their teacher told them to get back to class.

DSC_1108These kids jumped the wall around the school complex to get as close as they could get to me. High 5 is the name of the game. Girls and boys, although Muslims, equally in joy – unimaginable in other parts of the world.

In the afternoon we left the main road and followed a forest road thru gorgeous settlements. Children all ages, too many to count, were already expecting us around every corner and cheered us thru the day. 

G0804740Some have never seen a ‘white’ person in their life, at least not on a bicycle. Nellie and Chelsea are enjoying it as much as the kids.

DSC_1150Unfortunately  time is always too short to stay for longer.

DSC_1103This is an absolutely stunning valley, that we will cycle the next two days.
DSC_1158People working in the rice fields, with just basic tools or none.


This is it for today. Sorry for being brief with my write up today. Tomorrow is the longest riding day of the tour. Everybody is scheduled for an early and long refreshing sleep. So am I Who me?

Stage 05: Sumatra

Padang Sidempuan to Kota Nopan
Date: 23-08-2014 Time: 05:09h Temp: 21/35 °C
Distance: 110 km Σ km: 547 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 943 m Σ Up: 6788 m Calories: 2572 kcal
Down: 841 m Σ Down: 6336 m Σ kcal: 14554 kcal
Conditions: A fabulous ride. The best so far. We took a back road away from the main road, thru little villages in the forest and green fields. Spectacular views and amazing contacts with the locals which over-compensated for the bad road.

Stay tuned to find some videos and photos later today or on Monday during our rest day. Tomorrow will be a tough day: 183 km & 1880 m climbs. Weather is said to ‘rain all day’



2014-08-23 Photos

Photos of  Stage 5

Padang Sidempuan to Kota Nopan – Sumatra

On the road again

Today should be a short one. 110 km, mostly flat.


Lumber Jack

Hard working fellows. Strong man competition. Piece by piece makes its way onto the truck until it is loaded to the top. These guys do really have their daily workout. No need for gym and protein shakes.







Pictures of the day

G0514480 Uphill with a kind of smile and wet to the bones G0524488I wish there were only downhills Smile


Enjoying the cooler breeze.              A welcome for our American riders!

DSC_1039Afrisanti, my beautiful shop assistant opposite of the PIA Hotel

G0534502Helmet attraction

G0534512Give me 5