Stage 67: South Australia

The Twins Rest Area to  Glendambo
Date: 11-16-2014 Time: 05:53 h Σ Time: 378:35 h
Distance: 126 km Σ km: 8030 km Temp: 8/26°C
Up: 141 m Σ Up: 73028 m Down: 173 m
Calories: 2075 kcal Σ kcal: 171211 kcal  
Conditions: Cool night in the bush camp. Wind still strong and facing us.

Another hard riding day. The wind was so bad, that riding in a group was the best. I was trying to form a peloton, but it wasn’t very well functioning and fell apart soon. Soon I caught up with another group and reorganized it to better work as a team. Somehow the groups seem to be competing. As soon as one appears at the horizon the other is chasing it, until it is caught and passed. Thereafter the just passed group accelerates to overtake the former again, and so on. Even in a peloton there is some competition of a kind ‘I can go faster in the lead than you’, causing the speed to ever increase. Chances to recover are not taken. Instead the easier conditions are used to further increase the speed and get other to their limit. The pack tends to fall apart and one has to do the work to keep the sheep together. After lunch I was alone with 5 women, when the last guy left the peloton and went ahead. But I managed to keep them together and we arrived together at the new campsite.
