I had my last cookie stop (absolutely no Coke found today) on the downhill from the tea fields. Suddenly these two fellows appeared debating about having their share of the cookies.
What are my options?
Tweet ##transoceaniaI had my last cookie stop (absolutely no Coke found today) on the downhill from the tea fields. Suddenly these two fellows appeared debating about having their share of the cookies.
What are my options?
Tweet ##transoceaniaAfter mastering today’s monster climb I am now cruising the final 25 km thru lush and green tea plantations. As far as the eye can reach the hills are ‘made from tea’.
Finally the sun is popping out again heating the air and my cold body. Cycling in sweat soaked clothes is not fun in the cooler air of the central Java mountains.
Let’s see, if the TdA scouts managed to get hot showers in todays camp. It is time again for comfort after a series of bucket showers since we left thd last rest day camp.
Tweet ##transoceaniaIt was said, that today’s stage will be an all day climb. Starting from sea level we will reach a maximum elevation of about 1800m. Total climbing will accumulate to 2500m for this stage. Since we are turning inland and heading north, the east wind may hopefully not become that much of a burden. “Happy Climbing”
Riders waiting to getting energy loaded at breakfast.
Tweet ##transoceaniaToday was the day to fully exploit the full suspension of my MTB. An over 60 km stretch of mostly broken road made me ride like in an American luxury car – with a waterbed like feeling, riding over the rough rocks and deep potholes. When my fellow riders, on their lightweight road or trekking bikes, were going slow to avoid getting every beat of the rocks they rolled over, I was simply speeding passed them. It is a pure joy to race through the harsh terrain without having to fear that the bike will collapse or to loose control over the bike.
However, after 50 km I was also a bit tired of it and gave the youngsters at a ‘toll station’ 2000 IRP, because they promised me better roads thereafter. It wasn’t after another 10 km, before the pavement finally became better, however with another penalty – the wind seems to blow much faster over smooth pavement, than over rough. And today’s wind didn’t want to make friends with us, thus blowing constantly into our faces, reducing the cruising speed and extending the riding day for longer …
The last 30 km along the coast line were a torture, being already 8 hours on the road and seeing that the final kilometers are being so slow in the wind. With tailwind it could have been easily done in 60 minutes, however the headwind made it 100.
In camp all ‘finisher’ we awaited with a big hand of applause from, those who were already there (cycling or by van). Later we were rewarded with an excellent dinner, and more food that one can eat.
Tweet ##transoceaniaHad a nice breakfast at the Turtle Beach Hotel. Last night the turtle stood us up. None made it to the beach. Since it is a hard riding day today there was no way to wait infinite into the night.
Currently half way into the day at lunch in the coconut forest
where a huge pot with coconut palm zap is boiling to make sugar.
Tweet ##transoceaniaUjung Gesting to Cidaun | |||||
Date: | 11-09-2014 | Time: | 07:23 h | Σ Time: | 124:44 h |
Distance: | 141 km | Σ km: | 2567 km | Temp: | 21/36 °C |
Up: | 1265 m | Σ Up: | 26331 m | Calories: | 3225 kcal |
Down: | 1250 m | Σ Down: | 26217 m | Σ kcal: | 57364 kcal |
Conditions: | A tough one. It was said that the road conditions weren’t good, which turned out to be the case for a major part of the day. But what made it more difficult was the strong blowing headwind, all day long. |
The all day blowing headwind from east and the mostly bad road conditions made it a long riding day. However very quiet and scenic once we left the main road and turned into the coconut and gum tree fields. The temperatures felt really comfortable. From km 40 to 105 the road was really bad; loose gravel and rocks required full concentration at every second. However I could play out my ‘joker card’, the full suspension mode of my MTB made me ride the rocks like a Cadillac. I really enjoyed the roughness and difficulty of the ride. Cristiano wasn’t wrong when he announced the bad road conditions during the briefing, the night before. What he did not mention was, that we are riding eastwards and the wind is constantly blowing into our faces. This slowed down progress dramatically and made riding an all day and exhausting fight. Only a few of us made it to the next camp.
Lunch was setup at a nice place in the woods, where a local was boiling palm zap to make sugar and serving us fresh coconuts.
Tomorrow is another ‘killer’ stage: just 71 km, but a constant climb to 1800 m from sea level. I hope that the rest day that we have on Sep 14., will give me enough time to post photos and special reports.
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Cimaja to Ujung Gesting | |||||
Date: | 10-09-2014 | Time: | 05:21 h | Σ Time: | 117:20 h |
Distance: | 97 km | Σ km: | 2426 km | Temp: | 21/35 °C |
Up: | 1279 m | Σ Up: | 25066 m | Calories: | 2220 kcal |
Down: | 1288 m | Σ Down: | 24967 m | Σ kcal: | 54139 kcal |
Conditions: | Another joy ride. Roads good. Climb long but never steep, easy to find a pace to make it to the top effortless. Temperatures moderate. Head wind in the afternoon turning back to sea. |
Another enjoyable cycling day. The morning climb after 15 km on the main road from sea level to almost 800 m was a ‘piece of cake’. Easy to find the right gear and pace to finish the 20 km gradual slope in one turn. Thereafter all day long downhill. That is how it should be. The vegetation and landscape changed. Hilly with endless tea plantations, with tea pickers at work. I stopped to ‘chat’ with some of the tea pickers – great fun. Another stop at a school where girls and boys were playing soccer together in heir school uniforms. I ‘crashed’ another school lesson and turned it into a ‘the stranger entertaining the kids’ lesson. At the end the kids formed a quire and sang an Indonesian song for me. The day ended at the Turtle Beach Hotel – nice, spacey and clean. Unfortunately someone must have told them that we must all be Germans! Only Beer at the bar, no soft drinks. We were told that the turtles usually come to the beach at around 8/9pm, so we will have a chance to see them tonight.
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Arrived at the Turtle Beach. A 95 km relaxed ride. A 20 km climb in the morning into the tea fields. Thereafter an all day drop down to sea level, through rice fields, rubber tree plantations and numberless little villages.
I took it really slowly as my coughing does not get better and keeps me from restful sleeping.
Tonight we might go to the close by sanctuary where sea turtles come to the beach and lay their eggs.
Tweet ##transoceaniaI would call today’s stage a perfect day. Although it was a tough one, the combination of all (length, difficulty, scenery, …) was just perfect:
Again 5* for Cristiano and Henry for scouting this tour
Tweet ##transoceaniaA dangerous encounter on my way through the Java coastal region. I was just taking up speed again after a short climb, when this guy passed my way, trying to escape into the bushes and keeping John and Colin in a respectful distance …
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