No, I will neither give a lecture about the Kama Sutra – we are currently cycling in a part of Java with a Hindu population and some ‘erotic’ temples, nor will I talk about the first man on the moon (1969), although it feels like we are preparing to cycle to the moon –
is Sydney still down under or already behind the moon?
Then why the subject 69?
69 was the reading on the display of the scale that I jumped on this morning before leaving the Crown Victory Hotel in Tulungagung.
First time ever below the 70 kg mark in my adult life.
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man sieht es dir auf den Fotos mit deinen halonierten Augen an…gesund ist anders…iß was Kerle!!!
I need to hang with Jo!
I am already trying hard to beat Eric’s dinner records …
Skinny boy! You need to join Eric B for his double dinners!