The Duta Garden Hotel management put a nice Welcome Banner on the street portal to the entrance of the hotel areal to greet the riders on arrival after finishing more than 3000 km from Medan to Yogyakarta. Unfortunately the riders track lead them to arrive via a different route (coming from the right hand side where you see the motorcyclist) and they cannot see it.
Chris was the first to arrive and he was gladly welcomed by Mr. Cristiano
Runners up were Eric, Brett and Paul – who again missed a turn and did some extra sightseeing of Yogya before they accepted our welcomes.
Hi, Joachim!
Greetings from West Timor.
I know your blog from Cristiano. I followed the story of this cycling tour through your blog. Thanks for the nice pictures as well.
I wish i could join the tour.
Congratulation on you for your good ‘Bahasa Indonesia’.
God bless you and others.