Sometimes it is worth to deviate from the given route and explore the neighborhood. Chelsea and Nellie were ‘sweeping’ me, when I asked them to follow me followed me on a detour along the beach. First we had to cross a kind of fragile suspension bridge before we got to the beach, where fishermen pulled in their heavy net. Unfortunately the heavy load was more jellyfish than others, but even the smallest fish was collected from the glibber mass. I asked the women on the beach, if there is another way to get back to the main road further south so we can cycle a bit on the beach. They seemed to understand my
drawing in the sand and confirmed. We cycled quite a distance along the beach. The women followed us on their scooter. Finally they turned left into a village and to our surprise invited us to their home. Chelsea enjoyed the little one and the little one Chelsea’s sun glasses, until she started to cry, being scared by my camera? We soon had to leave for the final kilometers to the designated camp site.
Whereas Nellie was not aware of her nice ‘sandy’ henna tattoo that she developed during the ride on the beach.