Stage 08: Sumatra

Padang to  Francs Hotel
Date: 27-08-2014 Time: 05:30 h Temp: 15/38 °C
Distance: 119 km Σ km: 962 km To Go: nnnnn km
Up: 841 m Σ Up: 10491 m Calories: 1875 kcal
Down: 860 m Σ Down: 10734 m Σ kcal: 22492 kcal
Conditions: Make a short riding day, a long one!
Hot, quiet and remarkable good. Many stops and exceptional contacts

This was elapsed time wise one of the longer rides today. First of all, we were told that the next place to sleep at is very, very, very basic. Thus I decided to not arrive prior to sunset, to not see the rooms at daylight. And second, simply because I enjoyed it so much that I had to stop more often then on other days. I have several highlights to report on in separate posts. Keep your tension and be patient.

