This was the longest riding day of the tour (distance wise; 178 km), and the longest accumulated climb so far (2408 m), I’ve never done such a long distance on my MTB with that much of a climb! TdA, you make me break all my records. However, one never knows what Cristiano & Co. have been setup ahead of us.
We got it all in one day – a perfect Sunday workout! Morning mist, sunshine and heavy rain; steep uphills and fast downhills; spectacular views and scenic landscapes; white water rivers from the nightly rains. I left my DLR in my daily bag today, to be able to carry extra water and knowing it will eventually be raining and there is little time to stop for extra photos. Thus my GoPro & Smarphone must do it.
The morning climb out of camp was fast and kind of easy going, until the sun was starting to heat up the air. Midday temperatures were at a boiling 37°C until the first equator shower cooled us down a bit. The roads were deserted in the morning, everyone seem to be sleeping or at church on a Sunday. Later the roads got busier.
The last 45 km and 800 m of climbs in the pouring rain I ‘supported’ Eric, who had a bad crash over his handlebar the day before and was cycling with pain from his bruised rips and chest.
The roads and clothes dried up quickly as we entered Bukit Tinggi
And we did it! Made it to the top and Bukit Tinggi, with an extra loop around the hotel, as we missed the last right turn.
Au Backe, das sind ja harte Tage. Hoffentlich meindest Du nicht das es in Australien haerter wird.
Es soll noch härter kommen
Dann ist ja die groesste Huerde schon genommen. Super und weiter so.
Wow, der Rest sollte dann Erholung sein, gelle? Hut ab, mein Lieber! Bleib weiter oben!
du bisch halt a Kerle!!! Super!!
Great job, Joachim Löffel!
Gratuliere! Ich würde mir dafür 2 bis 3 Tage Zeit nehmen. Gute Erholung!
Gratuliere! Ich würde mir dafür 2 bis 3 Tage Zeit nehmen. Gute Erholung!
Nicht übertreiben Karl, 5 Tage würden es auch tun
Wobei du würdest unterwegs verdursten, da es kein Bier gibt!
super, freu mich sehr für dich……