One could see smiles on almost every ones face on this 120 km ride from Berastagi to Lake Toba, our first rest day. Immediately after leaving the city Mt. Sibayak waved us a final farewell with a huge smoke cloud. Thereafter the road lead through never ending plantations with oranges and corn. Traffic was very low as we did not use the main road to the lake, so our senses were free to inhale beautiful scenery, the good air and the sounds of nature. We spent a long time riding
parallel to the lake on the ridge of the caldera, without getting it in sight. However, a final turn opened the view on the largest crater lake of the earth, which is a result of a giant eruption some 74000 years ago, which resulted in ‘volcanic winter’ killing 90% of the earth population.
After a lot of rolling climbs the descent to the lake was a gift for legs and mind. A short and cheap ferry ride set us over to Tuk Tuk on the large Samosir Island. Rooms were quickly taken (although not according to TdA plans) but the vans with the bags were still to come. So a bunch of ‘smelling’ cyclists filled the restaurant (luckily a thatched open building) for the hours to come. Without toiletry, swimsuit and PCs there was not much to do other than to fill the afternoon with beer, food and talks. It was not before 7:30pm when the vans arrived, not only carrying our bags but an awful load of rain, which is pouring down on us since then. Hope this will stop during the night and we are not trapped in our rooms in the fantastic setup of the Tabo Cottages!
Joachim Löffel please use the new hash tag #transoceania