2 days to go. Got my final hair cut and a farewell with friends. The hair looks much longer as it really feels and the greyish color must be a defect in the camera sensor
Tweet ##transoceania2 days to go. Got my final hair cut and a farewell with friends. The hair looks much longer as it really feels and the greyish color must be a defect in the camera sensor
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Nikon and GoPro are loaded …
I like your optimism.. take good pictures..
Thanks Luke, I’ll miss you and your mechanic skills … however, new bike no hassle?
Enjoy Joachim, My friend Andreas Pakenham will take care of you.
I keep my bandana and helmet on 24×7
Some dark color might help to cover …..
Alles Gute für deine grosse Tour/Reise. Viel Spass, bleib gesund und pass gut auf dich auf.
Thx Wiebke, Katrin, David for the wishes and motivation
Alles Gute für die grosse Reise. Viel Spass, bleib gesund und pass gut auf dich auf.
Godspeed and GOOD SPEED!
Komm gesund zurück, Joe!
ENJOY ! und immer schön Kette rechts… Blog schon hochgefahren !?!
Thx Dennis. Kette links, wir haben ja Linksverkehr da unten
Ja, Blog schon aktiv … http://trans-oceania-2014.die-loeffels.de
Aerodynamische Frisur
Hi Oli, ich denke ich werde jetzt ab gehen, wie eine Rakete und das ganz ohne Pyro!
The grey is beautiful. Safe travels. Have a fantastic adventure and keep posting pics and stories when you can.
Thanks Mel, pics and stories coming soon. Don’t you feel you want to have some early breakfast at the TdA table? Now that you mastered the Freedom Ride, you should be well prepared for more
Super handsome!! Have a safe trip and enjoy….have fun! Big kiss xxx
Thanks Hazel. Are you feeling better?